I am working as a communication trainer in the field of education. I am holding workshops for kids concerning topics like 'dealing with one's anger' in order to handle unpleasant feelings.

'For life not for school we learn'
reverse quote from Seneca 

Why I believe Nonviolent Communication (NVC) 
in schools is so important?

Tools for navigating life

It is in school, where children and young adults are prepared for later life. Therefore, we need to give them certain tools in order to manage later life in the best way possible. How to deal with challenging situations that will come sooner or later in life? How to deal with a conflict with someone you love? How to deal with situations like loss of a job or even the death of a loved one? How to say what you truly mean and yet see the other person and realize what that other person needs? How to deal with daily emotions?

Enhance Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

Giving kids and young adults concrete tools with which they can handle difficult situations and difficult emotions means that seemingly unsolvable situations in the future might not even arise. It means that these kids will lead a life in which they know how to handle their emotions and thus violence is not arising. Supporting children figuring out how to handle tough situations means supporting the development of a peaceful society. 

Creating a peaceful society

Nonviolent Communication provides on the one hand specific tools (4 steps) and on the other hand it is a lot more. It is the attitude towards life and towards people. It is the believe that people are fundamentally good at heart. Nonetheless, their actions might not be okay! It is about finding ways in which the needs behind the actions of the people can be met in a way so that nobody is hurt. 

Workshops for kids and young adults

I am giving tools to children and young adults for handling emotions and difficulties in life. That way they learn how to handle difficult situations right away and also how to handle them later in life. Learning a language in order to navigate life so to say.

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Workshops for teachers

I support teachers in creating an environment in which children feel safe and learning can develop. 

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Voices of children and young adults from the workshops

What did you enjoy in the training?

"The competence of the trainer."
- TN BFI Leoben 

"I really enjoyed the workshop, because we learned to listen to other people."
- TN BFI Kepler

"Everyone could contribute."
- TN BZ Leoben

"Everyone could be themselves and was accepted the way they are."
- TN BZ Leoben 

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Non violent communication provides on the one hand specific tools (4 steps) and on the other hand it is a lot more. It is the attitude towards life and towards people.

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